Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Family Camp

Family camp was a lot of fun! I got to sleep, eat, poop, and eat some more. Mommy and Daddy had fun playing volleyball, catching up with old friends, and spending quality time with family. The best part was being there for the first time as family. Mommy and daddy haven't been to family camp for many moons and were very excited to be there again.

I hit a big mile stone at family camp...I turned 4 weeks on Saturday. I can't believe it's already been a whole month. Time flys when you have the best parents ever!

There were so many people that loved me at family camp, and they all wanted to hold me; I kind of got confused after a while who was who. I'm starting be more awake during the day, so a lot of people got to enjoy my beautiful eyes and wonderful personality.

"Oh yea! I know you, you're my Nana! Look how big my cheeks are getting. Aren't you so proud of me? I even have a real double chin!"


Natalie and Lily said...

I like the "Where's Dahlia" picture. Is she in your arms, Pauls, or the lady on the bench?!?!!? Where's Dahlia?

dahlia frances said...

Dahlia is my arms wraped up in the nursing apron.

Mk said...

hahhahha. . that pic of you and paul makes it look like Paul is holding Dahlia and sufficating her. No, Paul! No!!!!